


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Akihabara & Pictures

Now that I finally have a real camera, I'll be taking an unnecessary amount of pictures. I'll try to integrate them into the blog, but the link to view the entire album online is:

Yesterday I went to Akihabara (so that I could buy a camera for really cheap). Akihabara, or Aki, is basically any computer/anime/video game/collectors items nerds paradise. Since I probably fall under a couple of those categories it was highly entertaining.

When I got off the train I took the exit that would take me away from the main part of Aki, and I'm glad I did, because I found a store that was selling the camera i wanted for 50% off, but I digress. I walked around for about 30 minutes without finding anything else very interesting, other than the electronics store, so I ventured toward what people call the "Electric City." It is so named because of the hundreds of electronics stores packed in a probably 8 square block radius. Some of the buildings are 7-8 stories tall, with each level selling a different toy -- floor 1 has TVs; floor 2 has cameras, etc

All of the electronics stores are cool, but not what makes Aki so insane. The anime/manga culture that this place facilitates is really interesting. For those of you who don't know: Anime are basically Japanese cartoons. It is short for "animation," and pretty popular. Manga are Japanese comic books, but they are a bit different than American comics, but I'm not a big enough expert to give specifics. I'm really not sure how to describe it, but I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the life-sized statues of anime girls accompanied by a voice recording trying to get guys to come into the store.

This is only outdone by the girls wearing maid outfits every 50 or so feet trying to get customers to come into one of the many maid cafes. A maid cafe is basically a cafe, but all of the waitresses wear maid outfits, and roleplay. They'll sing, dance, and do other goofy stuff for the customers.

As my main mission was buying a camera, I didn't really do anything other than go into the camera shops, so I'm not able to add anything else.


Unknown said...

Hi Keith: I posted a comment yesterday, but for some reason it's not here :( I am glad that you ventured out again and that you bought a camera. I really enjoyed the photos you posted. I had no idea they would have a KFC in Japan ! If you get a chance, can you take some photos of your host family and the house you are staying in. I would love to see them. Keep your blogs and photos coming !!!

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